June 21, 2008

i just love my friends!

hahah... my week was SUUPPEERR fine!..
am loving SCHOOL!... again... hahaha I had lots of fun with my classmates.
We did crazy things!. i mean it.. TOTALLY crazziiie! hahaha
there was a time when all of us was just outside our room (in the corridor) making fun with other students... hahaha.. BAD me!.. bad us.. hihih
>>When we see someone approaching(definitely NOT a teacher) we'll STAND and clap our hands as he/she or they passes by our room!!! hahaha..
>>again, if somebody walks by, we scream: Hep-hep Hurray repeatedly
with the action (like in wowowee) hahaah.... we're so so BAD!. hihihi
>>we also said : tak-tak-tak-tak-tak (said in a way like a SLOW dripping water..gets? :D)

some laughed but i think there was one who got angry...
BLEH! :p hihih

because our MAPEH teacher didn't arrive because he needed to go to a meeting, we, again did foolish things.. hehehe we decided to go to the CR! all of us! but first, we formed our LINE!

then we marched going to the CR!
one line for girls and another for boys. hahaha
all girls went inside the girls CR while the boys in theirs..
after that, we waited for everyone to get finished then formed
our line again...

some students wondered why we were forming our line going to the bathroom...haahah...
we were so NOISY while walking then the other classes
are already having their discussions.. haha
Some of my classmates also played Hep Hep Hurray inside the room..
and sang different songs... hihhi
as in i SO SO love our section!
All of my classmates joined in our FOOLISHNESS! haha

wo ai wo de peng you! ;)

just wanna share this pic taken during our Ed tour at OISCA.